--- title: Playing with fonts and texts author: Marcin Kosinski output: html_document: mathjax: default fig_caption: true toc: true section_numbering: true css: ggsci.css vignette: > %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteIndexEntry{Playing with fonts and texts} --- ```{r include = FALSE} library(knitr) opts_chunk$set( comment = "", fig.width = 12, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, tidy.opts = list( keep.blank.line = TRUE, width.cutoff = 150 ), options(width = 150), eval = TRUE ) ``` ```{r} library("survminer") ``` > This vignette covers changes between versions 0.2.4 and 0.2.5 for additional texts and fonts customization enabled for subtitles and captions. # Survival plot ## Basic Compare the basic plot ```{r} library("survival") fit<- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ sex, data = lung) # Drawing survival curves ggsurvplot(fit, data = lung) ``` ## Customized with the plot where every possible text on a `plot` is specified ```{r} ggsurvplot(fit, data = lung, title = "Survival curves", subtitle = "Based on Kaplan-Meier estimates", caption = "created with survminer", font.title = c(16, "bold", "darkblue"), font.subtitle = c(15, "bold.italic", "purple"), font.caption = c(14, "plain", "orange"), font.x = c(14, "bold.italic", "red"), font.y = c(14, "bold.italic", "darkred"), font.tickslab = c(12, "plain", "darkgreen")) ``` # Risk table Now allow `risk.table` to be displayed. ## Basic Please compare basic plot with a risk table ```{r} ggsurvplot(fit, data = lung, risk.table = TRUE) ``` ## Customized with the plot where every possible text on a `plot` and `table` is specified ```{r} ggsurvplot(fit, data = lung, title = "Survival curves", subtitle = "Based on Kaplan-Meier estimates", caption = "created with survminer", font.title = c(16, "bold", "darkblue"), font.subtitle = c(15, "bold.italic", "purple"), font.caption = c(14, "plain", "orange"), font.x = c(14, "bold.italic", "red"), font.y = c(14, "bold.italic", "darkred"), font.tickslab = c(12, "plain", "darkgreen"), ########## risk table #########, risk.table = TRUE, risk.table.title = "Note the risk set sizes", risk.table.subtitle = "and remember about censoring.", risk.table.caption = "source code: website.com", risk.table.height = 0.45) ``` # ncens plot Finally, allow `ncens.plot` to be displayed. ## Basic Please compare basic plot with a risk table and a `ncens` plot ```{r, fig.height = 7.5, fig.width = 6} ggsurvplot(fit, data = lung, risk.table = TRUE, ncensor.plot = TRUE) ``` ## Customized with the full customization ```{r, fig.height = 7.5, fig.width = 6} ggsurvplot(fit, data = lung, title = "Survival curves", subtitle = "Based on Kaplan-Meier estimates", caption = "created with survminer", font.title = c(16, "bold", "darkblue"), font.subtitle = c(15, "bold.italic", "purple"), font.caption = c(14, "plain", "orange"), font.x = c(14, "bold.italic", "red"), font.y = c(14, "bold.italic", "darkred"), font.tickslab = c(12, "plain", "darkgreen"), ########## risk table #########, risk.table = TRUE, risk.table.title = "Note the risk set sizes", risk.table.subtitle = "and remember about censoring.", risk.table.caption = "source code: website.com", risk.table.height = 0.35, ncensor.plot = TRUE, ncensor.plot.title = "Number of censorings", ncensor.plot.subtitle = "over the time.", ncensor.plot.caption = "data available at data.com", ncensor.plot.height = 0.35) ``` # Notes - Note that you will probably need to extend the default risk table height and ncens plot height after those customizations. - Distinct between `title` and `subtitle` for the `curve_plot` and `risk.table.title` and `risk.table.subtitle` for the `table` / `ncens.plot.title` and `ncens.plot.subtitle` for the `ncens`. - Fonts are set simultaneously for the `curve_plot`, for the `table` and for the `ncens` parts. This might change in the future.