Playing with fonts and texts


This vignette covers changes between versions 0.2.4 and 0.2.5 for additional texts and fonts customization enabled for subtitles and captions.

Survival plot


Compare the basic plot

fit<- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ sex, data = lung)

# Drawing survival curves
ggsurvplot(fit, data = lung)


with the plot where every possible text on a plot is specified

ggsurvplot(fit, data = lung,
   title = "Survival curves", subtitle = "Based on Kaplan-Meier estimates",
   caption = "created with survminer",
   font.title = c(16, "bold", "darkblue"),
   font.subtitle = c(15, "bold.italic", "purple"),
   font.caption = c(14, "plain", "orange"),
   font.x = c(14, "bold.italic", "red"),
   font.y = c(14, "bold.italic", "darkred"),
   font.tickslab = c(12, "plain", "darkgreen"))

Risk table

Now allow risk.table to be displayed.


Please compare basic plot with a risk table

ggsurvplot(fit, data = lung, risk.table = TRUE)


with the plot where every possible text on a plot and table is specified

ggsurvplot(fit, data = lung, 
   title = "Survival curves", subtitle = "Based on Kaplan-Meier estimates",
   caption = "created with survminer",
   font.title = c(16, "bold", "darkblue"),
   font.subtitle = c(15, "bold.italic", "purple"),
   font.caption = c(14, "plain", "orange"),
   font.x = c(14, "bold.italic", "red"),
   font.y = c(14, "bold.italic", "darkred"),
   font.tickslab = c(12, "plain", "darkgreen"),
   ########## risk table #########,
   risk.table = TRUE,
   risk.table.title = "Note the risk set sizes",
   risk.table.subtitle = "and remember about censoring.",
   risk.table.caption = "source code:",
   risk.table.height = 0.45)

ncens plot

Finally, allow ncens.plot to be displayed.


Please compare basic plot with a risk table and a ncens plot

ggsurvplot(fit, data = lung, risk.table = TRUE, ncensor.plot = TRUE)


with the full customization

ggsurvplot(fit, data = lung,
   title = "Survival curves", subtitle = "Based on Kaplan-Meier estimates",
   caption = "created with survminer",
   font.title = c(16, "bold", "darkblue"),
   font.subtitle = c(15, "bold.italic", "purple"),
   font.caption = c(14, "plain", "orange"),
   font.x = c(14, "bold.italic", "red"),
   font.y = c(14, "bold.italic", "darkred"),
   font.tickslab = c(12, "plain", "darkgreen"),
   ########## risk table #########,
   risk.table = TRUE,
   risk.table.title = "Note the risk set sizes",
   risk.table.subtitle = "and remember about censoring.",
   risk.table.caption = "source code:",
   risk.table.height = 0.35,
   ncensor.plot = TRUE,
   ncensor.plot.title = "Number of censorings", 
   ncensor.plot.subtitle = "over the time.",
   ncensor.plot.caption = "data available at",
   ncensor.plot.height = 0.35)


  • Note that you will probably need to extend the default risk table height and ncens plot height after those customizations.
  • Distinct between title and subtitle for the curve_plot and risk.table.title and risk.table.subtitle for the table / ncens.plot.title and ncens.plot.subtitle for the ncens.
  • Fonts are set simultaneously for the curve_plot, for the table and for the ncens parts. This might change in the future.